European Youth Award 2017: Share on Bazaar

Share on Bazaar is a digital platform for skill-sharing between locals and newcomers.

Based on the idea that integration belongs to everyone, users can share or develop new skills, meet new friends and build a vibrant community where all perspectives and backgrounds are valued. One starts by creating a personal profile defining skills and interests, then connects with other members in the community based on location, skills and interests. Designed with the user in mind, the platform is quick to load, accessible on all devices, intuitive and light on text. Special features include digital social currency and user feedback. Share on Bazaar is a free, fun and flexible way for newcomers and locals to build lasting relationships in all aspects of social life, ease entry to the educational and job market, as well as share linguistic, religious, political and above all cultural expression, while integrating quickly in the local culture. With a truly democratic and digital approach fostering social cohesion, Share on Bazaar can be applied in many countries.


28. November 2017

Rückfragen an:
Dr. Birgit Kolb

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